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Is Your Landscaping Hurting or Helping Your Property Value?

May 13, 2024

Your home is likely one of the biggest investments you'll ever make. Naturally, you want to do everything you can to protect and potentially increase its value. According to Realtor Magazine, due to poor landscaping, property values can decrease by up to 30%. One factor that can significantly impact your property value, for better or worse, is your landscaping. Read on to learn how your landscape design and maintenance practices may be helping or hurting your investment.

Curb Appeal Matters

When potential homebuyers first drive up to a property, the very first thing they notice is the exterior and landscaping. Your home's "curb appeal" helps buyers form a first impression, which we know is incredibly important. If your landscaping is overgrown, poorly maintained, or just plain boring, it will give buyers the impression that the home itself is not well cared for. On the other hand, an attractive, welcoming landscape suggests pride of ownership and motivates buyers to take a closer look. Professionally designed and maintained landscaping shows buyers that you've invested in high-quality exterior spaces, which can translate to added value.

Functionality Is Key

In addition to aesthetics, your landscape should have the functionality to fully utilize your exterior spaces. For example, incorporating outdoor living areas creates usable spaces for you and your family to enjoy. Smart features like privacy screening, shade trees, vegetable gardens, play areas, and water features show buyers the landscape has been thoughtfully designed for everyday living. Working with a professional landscape company can help maximize the function and enjoyment of your yard.

Keep It Looking Fresh

Ongoing landscape maintenance is just as important as your overall design. Letting beds get overgrown, trees and shrubs go unchecked, and hardscapes fall into disrepair gives the impression of an aging, tired landscape. Partnering with a full-service landscape company for regular maintenance like mowing, pruning, weed control, and pest treatments keeps your yard looking fresh and shows buyers you've invested in upkeep.

Your beautifully designed, properly functioning, and meticulously maintained landscape does more than just look nice. It maximizes the value and marketability of your investment. Enhancing curb appeal, creating enjoyable living spaces, keeping plantings fresh, and fixing issues help buyers see the property in its best light. Investing in professional landscaping services ensures your landscape is always helping, never hurting your home's value. If you're looking for a
landscape company to help boost your curb appeal and keep your yard looking its best, reach out to our team at Lawrence Landscaping Inc.

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